August 29, 2015

Thranduil Makeup Test

I have been dying to cosplay Thranduil, but as I never have done a f to m cosplay, I was a little worried I would look ridiculous.

What I discovered is I look more like my brother.  SCARY.

I bought a wig for Halloween (I'm making Geralt as the companion costume to my Yennefer) and it is perfect for Thranduil.  So before I cut it up I wanted to do a test of Thranduil to see how I looked.


My mom came home while I was putting on the wig.  She took one look at my eyebrows and said, "This is NOT a good look for you.  Those eyebrows are insane."

I showed her a picture of Lee Pace.  She held up her hands in defeat.

How does he manage to make those giant things look elegant?!  One lift of his eyebrows and all female Hobbit fans go crazy.

I don't exactly look like Thranduil, but I think it is good enough to attempt an eventual cosplay! :)

1 comment:

  1. I think you look awesome! Great job with the contouring ^^
